Posted by: idolrich | July 12, 2008

MY House rules in My Nursing org. as a vice president of th org^^

House Rules of the Nursing Organization

Of WCC Antipolo Campus

1. Tardiness; 15 mins. allotment time to attend the meeting e.g.(10:00-10:15 a officer can still be admitted to enter a certain meeting, 10:16 and onwards a certain officer cannot enter the room and must submit a written excuse report.)

2. Cell phones must be in silent mode while meeting is on going

3. The Nursing organization pin must be wear inside the campus at all time for them to be recognized.

4. The nursing organization identification must be wear inside the campus at all times for them to be recognize.

5. School/duty uniform; every officer must wear their complete uniform fo them to be the role model of the nursing student.

6. Noise when a meeting is on going; no any king of murmuring is allowed unless certain officer wants to suggest.

7. Hair cut is always advised for each officer for them to gain respect.

8. Written consent if a certain officer has an idea it must be presented in a formal letter & must be undersigned.

9. Visitors are not allowed to enter the office while meeting is on going (e.g. friends, schoolmates &other organization officers)

10. A officers must always present his/herself in front of a meeting neatly and confident.

11. English must be the language of the organization.

In view of this rule, every officers, members &

Advisers must follow.

If not doing so; a certain sanction/punishment must be implemented A.S.A.P.


  1. kinarir na ang narseeeng. 😀

  2. i miss you.

  3. ola pessoal , tenho uma sugestu00e3o para todosntive muitos problemas tb com a telefu00f4nicanresolvi da seguinte formancelular desb Click

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